Main Street Marina Update – 5/20/2020

May 20, 2020

Updates for The Paddlewheel & Main Street Marina

Well, we were able to open The Paddlewheel on May 5th.
We are fortunate that the majority of our spaces are open air & we have tons of room to spread out. We have one of the largest open-air patios in Branson. We are leaving plenty of open space on the dock, so tables & seating are placed with the proper recommended social distancing.

We have & continue to maintain all the recommended safety and cleaning procedures.

We were able to add Live Music back last weekend….so the Dock only Rocked Slightly ????
Thank you for your patience regarding our music events, as we are literally changing those on a daily basis, to ease back into music with a calmer vibe…. For now…..

Updates for all of Main Street Marina

Please check our FB pages and website for updated information:

We have a great line up at The Paddlewheel this weekend for Memorial Day (5/22/20-5/24/20)

  • Friday Brock Wade 7-11
  • Saturday Justin Larkin 7-11
  • Sunday Sam & Todd 6-9

We can also announce that Open Mic starts back on May 27th, and will have an announcement regarding Karaoke starting back, soon.

So…… As we have said before……

We understand everyone has different viewpoints/feelings and that’s ok. ????

If you are uncomfortable dining in, or coming out, we understand, and we look forward to seeing you in the future. ????

We are all going through this together and doing the best we can, remember to be kind. ????

If anything makes you uncomfortable or you have additional suggestions, please ask for a manager.

We look forward to seeing you soon, whenever you feel it is right for you. ????

From our family to yours……

Lianne & Larry ????

#LakeAttitude #youshouldbehere #whenyourecomfortable
#wehavemissedyou #babysteps #bekind